
6″ Interchangeable Blade Straight Handle Seamer [MWT-S6]

MIDWEST® 6″ Interchangeable Blade Straight Handle Seamers feature 6″ X 1-1/4″ forged blades with 1/4″ sight graduations are commonly used by sheet metal and HVAC/R technicians to bend and form cold rolled and stainles steel, as well as galvanized, copper and aluminum. MIDWEST® Interchangeable Blade system allows for other length blades to be installed (3″

6″ Interchangeable Blade Straight Handle Seamer [MWT-S6] Read More »

3″ Interchangeable Blade Straight Handle Seamer [MWT-S1]

MIDWEST® 3″ Interchangeable Blade Straight Handle Seamers feature 3″ X 1-1/4″ forged blades with 1/4″ sight graduations are commonly used by sheet metal and HVAC/R technicians to bend and form cold rolled and stainless steel, as well as galvanized, copper, and aluminum. MIDWEST® Interchangeable Blade system allows for other length blades to be installed (3″

3″ Interchangeable Blade Straight Handle Seamer [MWT-S1] Read More »